Monday, March 2, 2009

Anti Communalism Day


ALIGARH 28.02.2009 : On the occasion of 7th Anniversary of Gujarat Genocide, The Millat Bedari Muhim Committee (MBMC), Aligarh & Intellectuals’ Forum for Secular Democracy & Social Justice (IFSDSJ) observed 28th February 2009 as an ‘Anti-Communalism Day’ and organized a national seminar on “Recall Gujarat Genocide”, on February 28, 2009, at 11:00 am at Kennedy Auditorium, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Mr. Harsh Mander, former IAS (Gujarat cadre) and renowned social activist & Humanist was the Chief Guest and delivered a key-note address. Mr. Vijay Pratap, social activist, was the guest of honour and Mr. Pramod Kumar, Industrialist and social activist, presided over the seminar.

Jasim Mohammad, president MBMC, presenting welcome address, said, “Gujarat incidents are still alive. It is shameful that culprits of Gujarat Genocide are not punished. They are not only freely roaming here and there but they are enjoying the power of Gujarat state.” He further said, “Around five thousand victim families are living in relief camps in Gujarat under distress condition. And the state government is not ready to do any thing for them.” He demanded that the victims should be given compensation as the victims of anti-Sikh riots in 1984 are given.

Mr. Harsh Mander, former IAS and renowned social activist, said, “The Gujarat Genocide has completed seven years but the government has failed to take any positive step for the betterment of the victims. I am witness that it is a crime to be a Muslim in Gujarat. Genocide is still continued in Gujarat. The victims are living under distress condition.” He said, “The acknowledgment of killing of innocent children and women in 2002 in Gujarat by RSS, Bajrangdal and BJP with the help of then Gujarat government, the support and the compensation to the victims and the punishment to the culprits and the justice to the victims can bring the bad memories of Gujarat to end.”
“We can never compromise with injustice and can not put up the arms to fight against injustice. We have to fight against injustice without any fear by the way of non-violence. Our constitution is in favour of people but the government authority is misusing it. We have to compel them to use it in favour of people.” He also said, “We have been working for the justice. And we should take up the weapons of justice, love and humanity against all evils,” Harsh Mander said.

Mr. Harsh Mander, Mr. Vijay Pratap and Mr. Pramod Kumar launched a National Weekly “Aligarin Times” which will be published by Jasim Mohammad, Chief Editor & Publisher.

Mr. Vijay Pratap, a social activist and guest of honour, condemned the Gujarat Genocide and said that communal minded politicians are trying to malign the secular character of India.

Prof. Shamim Ahmed, President, IFSDSJ said in his introductory remarks, “We have lost the faith in the investigative agencies of the country. They are playing in the hands of politicians. There should be one more inquiry committee to make justice between Banerjee committee and Nanavati committee.” He also demanded that the case of former USA president, George W. Bush and Chief Minister of Guajrat, Narender Modi should be on trial in International court and they should be punished.”

Presiding over the seminar, Mr. Pramod Kumar said that we, Hindu and Muslims should fight against injustice together. He also said that if it is propagated that at least ninety percent Hindus are fighting for the Muslim victims in Gujarat, communalism, itself, will be defeated in India.

Prof. Razaullah Khan, Patron of MBMC & Chairman Department of Civil Engineering, AMU, said that communal politicians have tarnished the secular face of India. Politicians have forgotten the democratic values and their constitutional duties. Addressing the Muslim students, he said that they have to always remember the message of peace and harmony which is taught in Holy Quran.

Dr. Mohammad Shahid, Ex-Secretary AMU Teachers’ Association, said that the demolition of Babri Mosque and Gujarat Genocide 2002 are two dark chapters of Indian history. Indian polity has adopted biased attitude to deal with communalism and terrorism. Now injustice is everywhere in India and terrorism has been spreading very fast. Terrorism will continue, if the justice is not given to the victims because terrorism takes birth from the womb of injustice.” He further said, “Narender Modi, Parveen Togadia, BJP, RSS, Bajrang dal and Abhinav Bharat are spreading terrorism in India. They should be banned.”

Dr. F.S.Sherani, conducted the seminar and said that AMU Community is with the movement of Harsh Mander.

Mohsin Raza Khan, a journalist, presenting vote of thanks, said, “No political party is sincere to help victims and provide them justice.” He said “we demand that the Anti-Communal Violence Bill should be passed in next parliament session.”

[Vardah Ayesha Khan]
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