Jasim Mohammad
Elections are a significant event in the political life of a democratic country. For the 15th time, the people of India have elected a new government to shape a new India.. Fortunately UPA government has returned to power. No doubt it is a time of rejoining but at the same time, Congress leaders and UPA strategists should sit down to act on the promises made during campaigning. Some one has said that survival of democracy depends upon reactions of the intellectual over issues related to public. It may be true or not but as one who has devoted considerable time and labour in election campaigning, I would like to remind some of promises, Congress leader had made.
Under the guidance of noted Film Director and Humanist Mahesh Bhatt, I campaigned in almost all Muslims concentrated constituencies. In his appeal to Muslim, masses Shri Mahesh Bhatt pointed out that, “UPA government had lacked time to implement Sachar Committee Report, hence they should get another term to implement it fully. It was Sachar Committee Report which stimulated us to support the Congress Party, Second point was the Right to Information Act. Most of us know that RTI has succeeded in downing era of accountability and transparency resulting in clean administration.” We hoped that with the continuation of UPA, RTI will be more strengthened.
Now when UPA has formed the government with convenient case, it must act in certain areas. Muslims of India are lagging behind in every field and Sachar Committee has clearly accepted this fact. It if for the government to act and act fast now. It should implement the report in letter and spirit both.
Another issue is minority status for the Aligarh Muslim University [AMU]. Judicial decisions deny AMU what is its legal right. The government is empowered to bring the legislation and declare AMU a minority education institution once for all, so that there should not be any confusion.
There are some other issues related with security psyche of Indians particularly with Muslims. A lot of time has passed but Anti Communal Violence Bill failed to see the light of day. It is upon the government now to table it on first available opportunity. All concerned Indians are of one opinion that tide of communalism should be contained. Hence Fast Track Courts should be set up to deal with the cases of communal riots, so that justice may be provided to affected people. Economic conditions of the masses also decide status of a nation. It is time that Equal Opportunity Commission must be set-up with teeth to provide equal opportunities to the deprived sections of Indian Society. At the same time, National Commission for Minorities [NCM] should also be provided powers to prosecute erring persons and parties. These are some of the issues which must be addressed by the UPA government within 100 days, so that a positive message may go to masses that the government means business.
Congress party has gained much in Uttar Pradesh but it should not be in over- joyous mood. That will prove fatal. Instead leaders of the Congress Party should sit and chalk out strategies to pull out deprived sections from the misery.
Another major area which demands attention of the government is pending report of the Inquiry Commissions. As may as 27 reports of the Inquiry Commission are getting dust. Action Taken Report [ATR] should also be tabled along with. This serves dual purpose. On the one hand, communal elements and organizations will be brought to book and on the other confidence level of the Muslim will increase. There is dire need to have a mechanism which ensures that people have confidence in the functioning of the governments.
It should be noted that the success of the Congress is due to young leadership of Rahul Gandhi. Side by side collective labour by social worker like Mahesh Bhatt has paid rich dividends. But Congress should maintain success spree to otherwise it will lose whatever it had gained. For the maintenance of just achieved success, the first and foremost step is that the Congers fulfill its promises made and monitor implementations of the programme. Discrimination meted out to dalit- Muslims under Article 341 [based on Presidential Order, 1950] must be revoked, so that Dalit Muslims my also get fruits of reservation as their counter parts are getting.
India is a land of diversity. It has numerous problems but at the sametime it has ample opportunities too. Present government should use vast manpower to generate new image and cultivate a brotherly feeling among masses.
Author is the Research Scholar of Aligarh Muslim University and President of the Millat Bedari Muhim Committte [MBMC], Aligarh
Jasim Mohammad
Centre for Comparative study of Indian languages and Culture [CCSIL&C], Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh- 202002 [UP]
Cell No: 0- 999706 3595 Email:
jasimmd@gmail.com, mbmcoffice@gmail.com